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Unicorn White Lilac Rose Blue Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Unicorn White Lilac Rose Blue Chrysanthemum Bouquet

A wonderful bouquet of chrysanthemums (chrysanthemums) in special and rare unicorn colors and lilac blue and white tones...

€ 123

Unicorn White Lilac Rose Blue Chrysanthemum Bouquet

3995,00 TL & Ücretsiz Teslimat
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Product Description

There are 3-4 hyacinths imported from the equator, 8 lilac roses imported from the equator, 6 imported white roses, blue purple unicorn chrysanthemums, purple lisanthus in our bouquet.

We always carefully select the most beautiful and fresh flowers of the season for you, however, the flowers and colors of our arrangements may differ according to the season and the suitability of the design.

Papers may vary according to stock status.

In case of possible changes, you will be contacted and informed.


Deluxe Koleksiyonumuzda yer alan,

Unicorn Beyaz Lila Gül Mavi Krizantem Buketi;

Orta Boy bir bukettir 

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