Garden roses, which are one of the most grown and most beautiful flowers in gardens, are plants that require care in terms of care. Since garden roses love the sun so much, the right planting place should be chosen first for its care.
Under trees and shaded areas are not suitable places for garden roses. Garden roses are the most beautiful flowers that beautify their environment with their colorful flowers and magnificent stance. Garden roses without a greenhouse history live approximately 50 years. Garden roses grown in greenhouses have a life span of 10 to 12 years if well cared for. It is possible to keep garden roses alive for a very long time with the right care.
What are Garden Rose Types?
There are many varieties of garden roses, one of the most loved flowers around the world. The beauty of its flowers, its fragrant scent and the symbol of love and affection. The colors of garden rose flowers are generally red, white, yellow, pink and orange. The most preferred garden rose varieties are listed as follows:
- Isparta Garden Rose
- Ivy Rose
- Bulgarian Rose
- Cane Rose
- Landscape Roses
All of these rose varieties bloom profusely and live for many years when properly cared for. Garden roses are classified according to their height, flowers and colors.
When to Plant a Garden Rose? When to Plant?
Garden roses can be planted as seedlings in all seasons. Rose seedlings taken as open roots or in pots must be plowed and cleaned before planting them in the ground. Although it is suitable for planting in all seasons, late autumn or early spring is the best time to plant. In this way, it is possible for the flowers to bloom in the summer months. The soil where the garden rose sapling will be planted is sandy, clayey and iron-rich soil, allowing it to develop in the best way.
How to Care for Garden Roses?
Garden roses are easy-care plants. Flowering roses also have many health benefits. Roses grown in the garden remove germs because they have an antiseptic feature. It is also good for the skin. If it is eaten raw, it heals the sores in the mouth. As you can see, roses grown in the garden both give a nice atmosphere to outdoor decorations and provide benefits with their healing aspects. In the care of garden roses, which have so many benefits, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:
First of all, it should be planted in a sunny place.
In terms of irrigation, it must be irrigated once or twice a week, especially in summer.
Fertilizing should be done once or twice a year.
Regular pruning helps the flowers to come out more and grow healthy.
It is one of the easiest plants to care for. Since it is a flower with thorns in general, gloves should not be neglected while taking care of it. By paying attention to all these points, garden roses that bloom profusely can be easily grown.
How Many Days Are Garden Roses Watered?
Garden rose varieties, which are drought-resistant flowers, should always be watered. One of the most curious subjects of those who want to grow roses, "How many days are garden roses watered?" Depending on the answer to the question, blooming flowers will be small if watered less.
Therefore, it should be watered at least once a week during hot weather. Garden roses need more water during the flowering period, which starts in summer and lasts until autumn. At the same time, water needs vary according to the characteristics of roses.
When Are Garden Roses Pruned?
“When are garden roses pruned?” The question is one of the most important issues in growing roses. Pruning can be done as light pruning, medium pruning or hard pruning as needed. Pruning time can be in spring, summer and winter.
What are Garden Roses Diseases?
Roses grown in the garden are affected by some pests and diseases. Aphids and scarlet spiders are the main pests. Garden rose diseases are listed as follows:
black spot disease
Rose powdery mildew
Rose Mildew
It is possible to prevent all these diseases by using drugs developed against them. In such cases, it is necessary to get help from people who are experts in this field and apply the necessary pesticides.
Does Garden Rose Grow in Pots?
Garden rose varieties can be grown in pots, provided that they are of sufficient size, paying attention to the points described above. In this way, it can be easily grown on balconies and terraces.