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Pure Love 20 White Gala Bridal Bouquet

Pure Love 20 White Gala Bridal Bouquet

Pure Love White Gala Bridal Bouquet

11995 TL 10796 TL

Pure Love 20 White Gala Bridal Bouquet

11995 TL 10795,50 TL & Ücretsiz Teslimat
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Product Description

Pure Love 20 White Gala Bridal Bouquet

If you wish; You can bring your own wedding dress fabric or lace for details such as decorations and ribbons of the bridal bouquet&groom boutonniere set.

We kindly ask you to place an order approximately one week before your wedding&nary date.

We always carefully select the most beautiful and fresh flowers of the season for you, however, the flowers in our arrangements may differ slightly depending on the season and design suitability.

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