The 5 Most Beautiful Winter Flowers
Cold winter days are around the corner! We have prepared ourselves for winter with autumn, but what about our flowers? We have compiled the 5 most beautiful, fragrant winter flowers and care tips that you can easily look after at home or give as a gift.
Known for its fragrant scent and attractive flowers, wallflower is in the brassica family. It has a very intense scent similar to cloves, which is due to the volatile oils found in its flowers. Wallflower does not like hot climates and is not very cold-resistant, so it can be easily kept at home during the winter months. They like well-drained, nutrient-rich and moist soil.
Azalea, which is popular among potted flowers, is in the heath family. Azalea, a perennial plant, can be red, pink, yellow, white, orange. They like airy environments. They do not need direct sun, but they cannot survive in a completely dark environment. In dark places, daylight-effective illuminators must be used so that their flowers do not fall. They like naturally rich and moist soil.
Winter hyacinth, also known as winter hydrangea, is in the lily family. It usually blooms in pink or white. It is not resistant to summer heat and likes shade and cool environments. It can grow in all types of soil, but by nature it likes acidic soil.
Christmas flower is in the cactus family. It is called Christmas flower because it blooms only in December-January. It is long-lasting and durable. It requires plenty of sunlight but should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It likes humus and fibrous soil.
Helleborus, also known as a perennial, bulbous plant, is in the buttercup family. It is also called the Christmas rose because it starts blooming in December. It has many colors from white to black. It blooms for about a month. Christmas roses like moist, shady and semi-shady areas. It likes well-drained, organic soil. It takes 3-5 years for plants grown from seeds to bloom, so it is easier to grow by buying seedlings.