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Jeff Leatham- Lord of Flowers

Jeff Leatham- Lord of Flowers

Jeff Leatham is one of the most well-known and important flower artists in the world. The installations he created at the George V Hotel in Paris have attracted great attention and attention. He is a guest on Marta Stewart or the Oprah Winfrey Show once a month. He designed Khloe Kardashian's baby shower at the Hotel Bel-Air and Kim and Kanye West's epic wedding flower wall in 2014. He has also left his mark on many celebrities' weddings with his flowers and art. He exhibited his fascinating art at Louis Vuitton's store in Zorlu Center for Mother's Day.

Kim and Kanye West's Wedding Wall

Khloe Kardashian's Baby Shower


  • About
    Jeff, who was born in Ogden, Utah, USA on September 7, 1971, is American and belongs to the Caucasian race. ''I think the most wonderful things that happen to people happen by chance. My meeting with flowers was completely coincidental.'' says Jeff Leatham. He had a great interest in nature and flowers as a child. When his father told him he could never be a botanist, he turned to the fashion sector and even modeled for a while. No matter what he was interested in, he could not stay away from nature and flowers. He started arranging the flowers of the hotel through one of the officials of Four Seasons Beverly Hills. He felt great pride when he was invited to the hotel. He brings truckloads of flowers from Amsterdam every week. He thinks flowers are the best luxury one can have. He was on Oprah's ''People with Dream Jobs'' episode last season. He designs flowers in the world's most luxurious gallery. He enjoys creating installations more than the classics. He made a reality TV show called Jeff. ''Flowers Uncut'' was broadcasted on the television channel TLC for only one season in 2009. As an author, he wrote four books that were sold massively worldwide. The names of these books are as follows: ''Flowers By Jeff Leatham (2003), Flowers By Design (2003), Jeff Leatham: Visionary Floral Art And Design (2014)'' .


  • Her Favorite Flowers are Magnolias
    She has collections consisting of perfumes and crystal vases. Her favorite flowers are magnificently scented, enchanting Magnolias. Jeff Leatham creates the world trend in flowers. There is a black orchid produced under his own name and sold all over the world. He explained the reason in his own words as follows ''Orchids are a flower that reflects me. They are sexy and sharp like me. Many world-famous fashion designers also have a passion for orchids.''



Tips from the Lord of Flowers
- There is no single flower of love.

- Find the flower that best suits your character. Different options should be considered for different lovers, emotional, sexy, sad.

- Do not use red rose petals in your beds, they will only dirty your sheets. Don't give up on naive and elegant white roses.

- Orchids are definitely the most attractive flowers. If you are truly in love with someone, give them an orchid as a gift.




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