Balcony Gardening - 5 Plants to Plant in September:
As we come to the end of summer, we may look at our balcony/garden and think that its colorful times are over, that the season is over. However, with preparations suitable for seasonal conditions, it is possible to continue our mini garden, balcony gardening for 12 months. In September, our balcony/garden will be waiting for a little more attention from us. If you are ready, we are preparing our mini garden for autumn and winter!

Things to Do in Our Current Mini Garden:
Clean up the weeds that emerged as a result of abundant watering throughout the summer.
Clean up the faded parts of existing plants or flowers. Some flowers bloom again during this period, such as roses.
If you have any, prune the dried branches of your perennial woody plants with pruning shears.
Our garden is now ready. So, which are these 5 plants that will make us happy with both their smell and taste, and which we can plant in September? Let's examine them together.
1. Parsley:
The most important thing to pay attention to when planting parsley, which is a very adaptable plant that can grow in different conditions, is not to compact the soil too much and not to plant the seeds too deep. After planting the seeds, it is enough to place the pots in a place that receives morning sunlight, especially, and water the soil so that it remains moist. It's that simple!

2. Rosemary:
With its thin needle-like leaves and small purple flowers that bloom during the flowering period, rosemary, which we can easily distinguish from other plants, has become indispensable in both the cosmetics sector and our kitchen with its wonderful scent and intense taste. The seeds should be planted in sandy and peat-rich soil that you can buy from florists or the plant sections of DIY stores. You can easily grow it on your balcony except in very cold weather, and it can easily adapt to the home environment. You can position the pot of rosemary, which loves the sun, in the most and longest sunny spot on your balcony. It is enough to water the soil so that it remains moist.

3. Thyme:
Thyme, which is an indispensable part of kitchens with its wonderful smell, can be consumed both fresh and dried. Since its seeds are very small, it may be a bit difficult for those who will grow it for the first time, but you can also grow it by taking seedlings. If it is to be planted as seeds, care should be taken not to plant it too deep in the soil, and if it is to be planted as seedlings, it is necessary to leave a distance between the seedlings. Flat, not too deep pots with holes in the bottom, and soil mixed with fertilization and sand should be preferred. You can position the pot of thyme, which loves the sun, in the part of your balcony that receives the most and longest sunlight. It is enough to water the soil so that it remains moist.

4. Arugula:
For arugula that does not get much sun and likes cool weather, you need to choose a fertile and peat soil. The seeds should be planted at intervals and without going too deep into the soil. After planting the seeds in the soil and watering them to keep them moist, you can see sprouting 15-20 days later :)

5. Radish:
Radish, a complete vitamin storehouse, has a very high germination rate. For radishes that love sunny and partially shaded areas, it is sufficient to plant the seeds at intervals and as close to the surface as possible, and to water the soil to keep it moist. Your radishes will start to germinate in about 2 weeks. You will be amazed at how fast they grow!