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Agnes 9 Pink Peonies Bouquet

Agnes 9 Pink Peonies Bouquet

A bouquet of peonies like candy...

8495 TL

Product Description

Our Agnes Pink Peony Bouquet contains 9 pink peonies, lavender, asperisia and cream colored feathers.

We always carefully select the most beautiful and fresh flowers of the season for you, however, the flowers and colors of our arrangements may differ slightly depending on the season and design suitability.

Vase shape may vary depending on stock availability.

With the approach of Mother's Day, our search for the best Mother's Day gift is accelerating. We all want to make our mothers who gave birth to us, one of the most precious ones, happy with gifts that are at least as precious as them. Of course, one of the most beautiful gifts we can give our mothers on Mother's Day is flowers…

The history of Mother's Day actually dates back to the ancient Greek times. According to Greek mythology, the people of that period were celebrating the spring season in honor of Rhea, the mother of gods and goddesses. Later, the Ancient Romans celebrated Cybele, one of the mother goddesses, in the spring.

The traditional Mother's Day, which we celebrate every year today, dates back to a much more recent time. Also, Mother's Day has a very impressive story. In 1908, US teacher Anna Jarvis starts a memorial service for her mother, who died a few years ago. This idea, which became very widespread in a short time, turns into an official day across the country with the approval of the court and is celebrated every year.

For those of you who are wondering what good words are for 2022 Mother's Day, you can get an idea about meaningful and original Mother's Day words with RIBBON's note cards special for Mother's Day.

You can take a look at the extensive catalog prepared by RIBBON for Mother's Day. You can place an order immediately and receive it on the same day.


Included in our Deluxe Collection

Agnes Pink Peony Bouquet;

It is a Medium Size bouquet.

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